Give generously and help shape the next generation at camp!


We support over 87 missions in 38 countries and
provide dozens of outreach opportunities for people
to engage in God’s global mission.

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a Mission Trip

NOTE: This is for donations only. Trip attendees click here.

Mission Trip Donations Disclaimer

In accordance of tax laws that prohibit donations designated to an individual, funds raised to support individuals for mission trips will go into a pool to support the entire mission trip and its participants. Individual support will be tracked internally to determine the effectiveness of the individual's ability to raise support. Christ's Church of the Valley must have full control of the donated funds and discretion as to their use in order for your donation to be tax deductible.

I have read the Mission Trip Donations Disclaimer

Starting Point

Starting Point gives a sneak peek into the basic beliefs and practices of CCV, equips you with the essentials of the Christian faith, and presents opportunities where you can get involved. Sign Up.

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